Use Lync for your next presentation | LA R G E T H O U G HT

Microsoft Office has some great products and features that not only allow you to create professional looking documents but also share and collaborate with others in your company. Office 365 takes these programs and places them in the cloud, making collaboration and sharing even easier. One of the best ways to share information is through sharing a PowerPoint presentation over Lync.

via Use Lync for your next presentation | LA R G E T H O U G HT.

A fresh approach to technology | LA R G E T H O U G HT

As the business owner or CFO you work closely with your IT team or MSP to evaluate the latest technology to improve the business. Balancing costs with the promised productivity gains of new business management software – like ERP or CRM – is a challenge. It’s tempting to believe vendors who promise better customer insight or more efficient processes that could give you competitive advantage.

via A fresh approach to technology | LA R G E T H O U G HT.

Getting beyond the magic broadband bullet theory — Tech News and Analysis

It can be hard to figure out the real economic benefits of broadband, which stops some politicians from ever investing in it. But if you define your scope and plan for additional programs to boost the effectiveness of a broadband investment, you’ll see results.

via Getting beyond the magic broadband bullet theory — Tech News and Analysis.

Tablets: In Windows 8, the iPad has its first real challenger – Oct. 26, 2012

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Since its 2010 debut, no tablet has come close to unseating the mighty iPad.

The many contenders can all be tossed in two piles: “Me too” devices or cheaper/smaller tablets. Neither has dealt Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500) a serious blow, and the iPad Mini — unveiled on Tuesday — is likely to solidify Apple’s dominance.

via Tablets: In Windows 8, the iPad has its first real challenger – Oct. 26, 2012.